Monday, April 27, 2015

Dad's Post

The day is still young and as I sit and look at Jing Mei and Chloe watching a Chinese drama I need to thank ALL of you! UPDATE: (eagles just attacked a ninja team that was trying to hurt the princess...... from what I can see anyway - lol)
The day has been a smooth one. Jing Mei was hesitant but only for a short while. As Chloe mentioned she has a skip to her walk..... I hope that is joy and excitement overcoming the doubt and fear!

Only He can prepare such a day! Your prayers are being heard and anwered and I can't thank you enough.

Just a total mess of emotions.... pride, excitement, joy - in my friends and my family with a touch of nerves as we transition and as I am away from the rest of my kiddos. I miss them very much.

The guide stated that Hangzhou was very nice and the latest statistics stated that there is 1 tree per person which is great for the Hangzhou environment.  Ok.... I'm not gonna count by no means but I'm gonna say we have a few trees per person in the Chattanooga area, just a few :)

How about a pagoda pic (on the hill behind the beautiful trees)....

I wanted to share a father/daughter pic...... Myself, Jing Mei & Chloe...... being...Chloe!

Don't worry....I'm not a novelist, my entry is finished.

I love you guys and keep the thoughts and prayers coming our way,


1 comment:

  1. The Jaski family is rejoicing with you and this match made in heaven. Only God. Praying for your safe return.
