Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Gotta Love Maverick Ryder Jenkins!!

Introducing the newest addition to the Jenkins family---Maverick Ryder Jenkins!!! Aka---“Big Mac”, who incidentally, might be smaller than his little sister, Bean;)

Thank you to ALL who prayed, gave of their time, and/or money to help us adopt. There is one less orphan in the world because of it.
So far, things have been smooth-sailing. Knock on wood;) I am pretty stinkin’ lonely, but besides that I could not have asked for a smoother process.  I flew out on Friday and landed in Beijing over 24 hours later. I managed to get myself from the airport to the hotel, WITHOUT A GUIDE---woohooo! Then back to the airport the next morning for a domestic flight from Beijing to Nanjing. Keep in mind this is the EXACT orphanage that Wade was adopted from, so memories were flooding back for me. I got myself from the Nanjing airport to the hotel by taxi and checked in without incident.  The next morning, I met my guide who escorted me to the adoption center to meet our son.
Of the three times I have now been to China for an adoption, this transition has by far been the smoothest. One of the biggest fears with adopting is attachment. Kids that are raised in an institutional setting have significant risk for attachment disorder. It is an inability to bond. It can look very different, but the root is still the same. You may have a kid that literally shows zero affection, or a kid that indiscriminately gives everyone their affection. The problem of indiscriminate affection with everyone is that they might not connect with the primary caregiver any more than the average Joe on the street. Both are not good. So as I am driving to the adoption center, I am praying in my mind, “Lord, help him to accept me today. I pray he will not reject me. But Lord, don’t let him accept me too fast, either. Can you make it a nice balance, Lord, of both willingness and caution???”

And it was. He has cried a few times, as he should. But he does allow me to comfort him and I am able to distract him. He slept next to me for 11 hours last night. He eats anything I put in front of him. He loves bath time. And when we walk, he grasps my finger and looks up at me every once in awhile.  He is very intuitive. I put on my shoe and before I could get the other one, he was bringing it to me! He has really enjoyed seeing all his crazy siblings on Facetime. He has probably giggled the most with Chloe during Facetime.

He does have a medical condition that most likely is the reason he was abandoned. It is thalassemia major---and he will require monthly blood transfusions.  We will have a port put in shortly after we get home to make the transfusions easier. I am thankful for a pediatric hematologist in Chattanooga. He was just transfused, which is great, because he is full of energy and we shouldn’t have any worry about checking his levels until we are home!

I will blog more---but right now I have a little man who wants his momma’s attention.

Much Love In Christ,
